Texting is the new black ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: Texting is the new black

Friday, January 2, 2009

Texting is the new black

Over the holidays I noticed something that, while quite evident, always seemed less obvious to me.


I must have received two dozen (yeah, I'm popular) "Happy Holidays!" and "Happy New Year :)" texts over the last couple weeks. However, I only received 5-6 actual Christmas cards in the mail and two phone calls (thanks Mom and Dad).

Are we getting that lazy and impersonal that we simply type a message to our friends and family instead of calling to say it with love in our voice? I probably sound ungrateful to have received so many well-wishes, but really I'm not. I appreciate that my friends and family thought of me (and most likely everyone else in their phones contact list) and took 4 seconds out of their day to text me a Holiday message.

Of course, I'm only kidding.

I am a HUGE fan of texting. I prefer it over all forms of communication aside from actually being engaged in a face-to-face conversation (bonus if there are frosty beverages involved). I even got myself a fancy iPhone so I can text at the speed of light. But don't expect to be getting a mass text message from me anytime soon. If you would like to know what I have to say to the masses, just check my facebook status ;)

Lindsay, campaign manager
Lunch today: lean cuisine (for the record: I'm still hungry and I don't feel any more lean)


T.J. said...

Nice title.

I used it just a bit ago myself.

It's over here http://kvenya.blogspot.com/2008/12/texting-is-new-black.html

if you want to read it.

Buenos con queso,
