Immerse Your Content and Message in The Printed Blog ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: Immerse Your Content and Message in The Printed Blog

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Immerse Your Content and Message in The Printed Blog

In my work at Premise I'm constantly in exploration of innovative new ways the team can immerse brands in the online and real worlds of their targeted consumer cultures. This morning I stumbled upon a cool new media source that is not afraid to be different and it's called The Printed Blog.

In their words, The Printed Blog is the first daily newspaper comprised entirely of blogs and other user generated content. They say they are starting distribution in select cities and obviously this will be their key challenge. That said, even if it were limited to a few markets and left super niche, its certainly innovative thinking and I commend them for it.

Hope this inspires more online-to-offline communication mediums

Gregg, Creative Adventurist
Breakfast: Coffee from Grants Market