Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends

Friday, November 14, 2008

Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends

The economic "slowdown" is having a negative impact on most people, especially college students (current and future) who rely on student loans to cover the immediate costs of education.

Lenders are raising interest rates on both private and federally guaranteed loans to offset the turmoil in the credit markets. I personally managed to get out of college without a single loan - except for the ones I issued to myself on my Credit Card to attend spring break festivities in Fort Lauderdale (yikes!). However, majority of my fellow students were looking at several thousand dollars of debt at graduation.

So, what can students do to finance their college experience in these tough times?

Well, not everyone has a rich Uncle to rely on, but GreenNote has a solution ( that just might be crazy enough to work. They have created a website based on the idea of using your personal networks (friends, family, friends of family, community) to generate a student loan.

If you want it. Just ask for it. It's that simple.

GreenNote provides the platform for potential post-secondary students to ask their networks for the money they need to continue their education - and the tools for lenders to provide the funding at a low interest rate (6.8%) to the student in need.

What do the lenders get? A small return on their investment and the good-feeling knowing they helped a young mind achieve the foundation of their future; a solid education.

Lindsay, Campaign Manager
Lunch Today: Tuna and artichoke sandwich, potato salad and green tea