The Times, They are a Changin'! ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: The Times, They are a Changin'!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Times, They are a Changin'!

Right when I think I have the latest in technology, Apple goes out and shakes things up. I just recently bought an iPod nano along with my MacBook Pro. I was feeling pretty high tech until I realized that the new nano was just launched yesterday and features a much slimmer, sleeker design as well as a bunch of other cool new features.

The new nano comes in a multitude of catchy colors and even includes a “Genius” feature, which means that your iPod can create new playlists based on artists you like. It’s like having your own personal DJ! Pretty smart, eh? If you’re getting bored with your playlists, simply shake your lil’ nano to your heart’s content and wa la!! A whole new shuffle! When the screen is turned sideways, you can view the Cover Flow, watch videos, look at photos, etc. Basically, the new nano is awesome and I’m a little bit jealous.

Apple also just unveiled the new iPod classic, which can hold up to 120 GB. I thought my old classic was pretty awesome, and that only holds 30 GB! Looks like the times are a changin’!

I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before my new MacBook Pro will be an ancient dinosaur in comparison to whatever those slick Apple designers are creating as we speak. Boo hoo.

On the bright side, at least I can still hear the music held in these crafty little devices, and that’s the most important part, right?

-Brittany Hook, Senior Editor

Lunch today: Homemade sandwich, an apple, and fruit snacks. (Hey, I'm on a budget!)


DSnuggle said...

Brittany, for lunch tomorrow you can take the homemade pizza that's in the fridge.