Will you be my Valentine? ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: Will you be my Valentine?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Will you be my Valentine?

Yes! Yes! I thought you'd never ask...Oh, wait...

...I mean, yeah. Sure. I guess so...

What have Hallmark and Hershey's done to us? A marketing scheme to sell candy, cards and flowers has instilled warm fuzzies in the hearts of Americans...Unless you are single. Then February 14th causes panic attacks, paranoia and sleepless nights.

As consolation, us single people get to simultaneously celebrate Singles Awareness Day (ironically, abbreviated to "SAD") and if you head over to the SAD webpage, you will find this.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

I am waiting for somebody to come up with the ultimate Valentine's Day reverse marketing idea. Like a restaurant that offers seating in odd numbers only.

-Lindsay, Campaign Manager
Lunch Today: Cheese Sandwich, Peach Snapple

p.s. I would like to thank Roger for showing the V-Day love to the whole Premise team (regardless of our Facebook relationship status). The flowers are beautiful!