Effective Use of Music in Advertisements ~ Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses
Ramblings of Immersive Marketing Geniuses: Effective Use of Music in Advertisements

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Effective Use of Music in Advertisements

Is it just me, or have TV advertisers been using some really good music these days?

I mean, the other night I was about to fall asleep when I heard a catchy song coming through the television.  I opened my eyes and actually watched the commercial, all the while humming along to the tune.  I took note of who the advertisement was for (Acura, btw).

Harnessing the inner-nerd in me, I actually did a search for the commercial the next morning just to find out what the song was ("Let the Drummer Kick" by Citizen Cope).  This has started a recurring problem for me. I am constantly finding myself hearing a song on an advertisement and running to my laptop to Google it (yeah, so maybe I don't have anything better to do).

While this may not be the exact reaction that Acura was hoping for when creating their spot, I have to admit in a random way I am thinking about their cars when I hear that song now.  And it certainly can't hurt that I actually searched and viewed their commercial spot online.  

I have never been somebody to pay close attention to commercials, especially since I discovered the DVR.  The sheer fact that I can hear an unknown song and immediately associate a brand with it amazes me.

Here are some of the ads featuring music that have caught my attention in the last few weeks.

Song - "Colors" by Kira Willey

Macbook Air
Song - "New Soul" by Yael Naim

And Lastly, the one that started it all for me...

Song - "Let the Drummer Kick" by Citizen Cope

Is this happening to anyone else?

-Lindsay, Campaign Manager
Lunch today: cheese ravioli and a nectarine


Cristina said...

I came across your blog post today and couldn't agree with you more. I first noticed the use of good music with advertising when Apple came out with its iPod commercials. Remember the Old Navy sweater commercial with Ingrid Michaelson's song? I would be willing to bet artists like Colbie Callait and Ingrid Michaelson saw jumps in music downloads when commercials with their songs aired. From a marketing perspective it is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I remember that Old Navy commercial, the song was so catchy I found myself humming it randomly. Although, it never got me into the Old Navy store to make a purchase. I wasn't into the sweater style. Kristine