Is it just me, or have TV advertisers been using some really good music these days?
I mean, the other night I was about to fall asleep when I heard a catchy song coming through the television. I opened my eyes and actually watched the commercial, all the while humming along to the tune. I took note of who the advertisement was for (Acura, btw).
Harnessing the inner-nerd in me, I actually did a search for the commercial the next morning just to find out what the song was ("Let the Drummer Kick" by Citizen Cope). This has started a recurring problem for me. I am constantly finding myself hearing a song on an advertisement and running to my laptop to Google it (yeah, so maybe I don't have anything better to do).
While this may not be the exact reaction that Acura was hoping for when creating their spot, I have to admit in a random way I am thinking about their cars when I hear that song now. And it certainly can't hurt that I actually searched and viewed their commercial spot online.
I have never been somebody to pay close attention to commercials, especially since I discovered the DVR. The sheer fact that I can hear an unknown song and immediately associate a brand with it amazes me.
Here are some of the ads featuring music that have caught my attention in the last few weeks.
Song - "Colors" by Kira Willey
Macbook Air
Song - "New Soul" by Yael Naim
And Lastly, the one that started it all for me...
Song - "Let the Drummer Kick" by Citizen Cope
Is this happening to anyone else?
-Lindsay, Campaign Manager
Lunch today: cheese ravioli and a nectarine
I came across your blog post today and couldn't agree with you more. I first noticed the use of good music with advertising when Apple came out with its iPod commercials. Remember the Old Navy sweater commercial with Ingrid Michaelson's song? I would be willing to bet artists like Colbie Callait and Ingrid Michaelson saw jumps in music downloads when commercials with their songs aired. From a marketing perspective it is brilliant!
I remember that Old Navy commercial, the song was so catchy I found myself humming it randomly. Although, it never got me into the Old Navy store to make a purchase. I wasn't into the sweater style. Kristine
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