I had to do a double take when this image caught my eye on Ideate
The Bible is God's Facebook! Well holy cow, I didn't know he needed friends.
This got me thinking about religion and social media. Can you really find God online? Do more young people find a connection to religion online than in church? I have to ask myself, is social media the new bingo??
So, I started to do some searching. I guess I've been living under a rock (or maybe just not paying attention). I found xianz, mychurch and holypal (chuckle chuckle- that just makes me giggle when I read it for some reason). There is obviously a large religious youth demographic out there. So what better way to reach, reel in and develop life long followers. Put up a billboard that reminds them of Facebook?
I searched on Facebook for the Christian Lifestyle Camps Bay Group and found they had 102 members. I wonder if the billboard was a success for them?
Lunch today - a slice of mushroom and pineapple pizza from Luigi's -