Friday, December 19, 2008

The (Burger) King Conquers New Territory

What's the one thing I hope doesn't turn up underneath my Christmas tree or in my stocking this year (or any year for that matter)?


Burger King is full of little viral marketing surprises these days. I mean, who wants to hang out with somebody who smells like they work the fryer at the local BK? Maybe it's just me and my delightfully meat-free lifestyle, but that sounds about as appealing as having my eyelids glued shut.

While searching around for more information on this glorious new scent certain to be tantalizing our nostrils through the holiday season, I came across another campaign by the King. It's a documentary by Stacey Perelta on folks that have never, ever, ever eaten a hamburger.


As you can imagine, the travel expenses must have been astronomical for this taste test as finding an American who has never even heard of Burger King would be near impossible unless you raid the nursery at the local hospital (which would hardly be effective since I don't think cheeseburger is on the children's menu at that age), but the results are incredibly interesting to watch. Check it out here.

As Americans, we are so conditioned to seeing Burger King and McDonald's on every main street it's absolutely shocking to imagine a place in the world that has never seen a BK commercial!

Makes you wonder, how different would our choices be if we weren't constantly exposed to advertising?

-Lindsay, Campaign Manager
Lunch Today: Cheese Ravioli, granola bar(sorry, no BK for me)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Holidays From Premise!

" We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

Nobody says it better than old Winston, and what better way to celebrate the season than to give the gift of giving. Premise wants your help in deciding which cause will receive a $500 holiday donation (runner sup receive $100 each).

The mission of Elemental Awareness is to educate and inspire young people to develop self-esteem, social and environmental awareness and the tools to lead successful lives.

The Partnership for a Drug-Free America unites parents, renowned scientists and communications professionals to help families raise healthy children.

The Sajai Foundation is dedicated to combating childhood obesity by developing programs that inspire wise nutrition and activity choices in children 6 to 11.

Please click below to vote for one of our favorite causes and view the polling results.